All You Need To Know About Salesforce Data Loader


What is a data loader?

Data Loader is a client application for importing or exporting bulk data into their Salesforce environment. Companies use this automated process to import and export data in bulk, eliminating many of the risks associated with manual transfer processes, such as errors or duplicates. Also, it increases efficiency and saves countless work hours when working with large data setsData Loader allows fields to be mapped using drag-and-drop tools and will enable users to upload bulk data to any object type, whether standard or custom. It is used to insert, update, delete, or export Salesforce records.  Dive deeper into salesforce insights. 

Key Features Of Data Loader: 

The data loader helps you export data into CSV files, Import data into CSV files or from a database. It also offers detailed success and error log files in CSV format. You can also drag and drop using the field mapping feature. t Provides an easy-to-use interface for beginners. It can Support heavy files – up to 5 million records at me and be used for standard and custom objects.

When To Use A Data Loader?

It is best to use a data loader when you need to record/upload 50,000 to 5,000,000 Salesforce records. It can also be used when you export your data to create a backup or schedule data loads regularly, such as multiple nightly imports.

How to Download a Data Loader?  

You can download the Data Loader by logging into Salesforce org and going to the setup section. 

Next, follow the path: Setup-> Integration -> Data Loader, or just type Data Loader from Setup in the Quick Find box.

Functions of Data Loader:

  1. Insert: By selecting this, we can insert new records into Salesforce.
  2. Update: Update can make changes to existing records inside Salesforce.
  3. Upsert: Upsert will update the existing records. Combines insert and update; it updates a catalog if it already exists or inserts it.
  4. Delete Deletes records from the org.
  5. Export: Export information from the org into a CSV format.
  6. Export All: It will include records from the recycle bin.
  7. Hard Delete: It will permanently delete records without moving them to the recycle bin.



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