Zoho vs Salesforce: What’s Right For You?


This isn’t the best of times or the true one on a serious note but with the global slowdown affecting most firms that aren’t Zoom or Amazon, you might want to consider a CRM system that will support your business while still having a reasonable total cost of ownership. And if you don’t want to lose any of the capabilities you rely on with Salesforce, you don’t have to make many compromises.

The cost of a monthly licence

Let’s have a look at how much the two systems cost.

Zoho CRM is available on a monthly pro-rata basis, which means you can adjust user numbers as your company grows or even lower the number of user licences at any moment. Zoho will make the necessary adjustments to your bill. Salesforce’s services are only available on an annual basis. You can’t spread the purchase of the licence over the year, so you’re locked in for the entire year.

To compare prices, we’ll use the same pricing structure and versions, although that Zoho offers more functionality for the same price, making exact comparisons difficult.

Salesforce CRM licences are often four times the cost of a Zoho CRM subscription!


Salesforce licences are more expensive, but the expense of setting up Salesforce CRM is also more expensive. Having worked with clients that started with Salesforce and then switched to Zoho, I know that Salesforce consultants take longer to set up an equal system than Zoho consultants.


Both systems have equal training costs, but Salesforce provides more written resources if you’re doing it yourself. For both systems, a range of training programs is offered.

With many firms putting on-site training on hold, online training is the better option right now. If you want to learn more about Zoho, check out my Sales Essentials course. The Full CRM Training for Users and the Zoho CRM Training for Administrators are the finest solutions for existing Zoho users and anyone who is certainly switching from Salesforce.

Total cost over a year

For ten users, the figure below shows the typical expenditures for corporate Zoho vs Salesforce CRM throughout the first year. The cost of implementation varies, but I’ve taken an average of what I’ve seen in the past. An $8,000 Zoho CRM deployment is roughly similar to a $16,000 Salesforce CRM implementation, which takes twice as long.



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